Types of Tea Match Your Needs

Types of Tea Match Your Needs. Tea is one type of drink with many benefits. Antioxidants believed to boost immunity and fight premature aging. Caffeine content provides many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of diabetes, or improve memory. To get the benefits the body needs, you should know the types of tea that you normally find.

Lowering Cholesterol: Black tea
Black tea is classified as the most common type, and constitute 75 percent of the consumption of tea worldwide. This tea is rolled and fermented, then dried and pulverized. This tea tastes slightly bitter and has the highest caffeine content, which is about 40 mg per cup. Compare with a cup of coffee contains 50-100 mg of caffeine. So, if the coffee was too heavy for you, try to sleep your opponent with black tea.

Black tea also has a high concentration of antioxidants, known as theaflavins and thearubigins. This compound is expected to lower cholesterol, according to Rebecca Baer, ​​dietitian in New York City. People who drank three or more cups of black tea every day might lower the risk of stroke by 21 percent.

Lowers risk of heart disease: Green tea
Do not like black tea? Please try green tea, because tea has a more delicious flavor than black tea. Once picked, the tea leaves are dried and heated directly, thereby stopping the fermentation process. In a cup, caffeine 25 mg.

Green tea is full of antioxidants called catechins, part of a group called EGCG. These compounds are able to fight everything from cancer to heart disease, says Karen Collins, nutrition adviser at the American Institute for Cancer Research, in Washington, DC. A study showed that a cup of green tea a day can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 10 percent.

Lose weight: oolong tea
Similar to black tea, but is fermented in a shorter time, thus providing a richer flavor. Oolong is also able to assist the process of weight loss. "Oolong activates an enzyme that serves to destroy triglycerides, the form of dietary fat stored in fat cells," said Baer.

To lose weight, people also tend to consume green tea. In fact, women who drank oolong tea will burn more calories in a period of two hours, instead of just drinking water. Oolong tea also contains caffeine in a lesser amount, namely 30 mg per cup.

Against diabetes: White Tea
Tea leaves are picked when still very young, so that white tea has a lighter flavor than most other types of tea. Caffeine was lowest, about 15 mg per cup. Brewed tea may also contain more antioxidants than tea bags, because the tea leaves have a shorter processing.

White tea also has benefits and cancer-fighting cardiovascular disease. Some studies suggest that this type of tea is also beneficial for people with diabetes. Journal of Phytomedicine wrote that white tea consumption may improve glucose tolerance and reduction of bad cholesterol.

Relaxation, relief of heartburn, etc.: Herbal teas
Actually, herbal teas are not teas because it is used is a combination of dried fruits, flowers, herbs and other seasonings. Hence, herbal teas contain no caffeine.

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that drinking three cups of hibiscus tea (hibiscus) each day can help lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Chamomile tea can make you relax and easily fall asleep, while peppermint tea can calm a turbulent stomach because the food you consume.

Avoid herbal teas are used to lose weight, because it may contain ingredients laxative (laxative ingredients) that are harmful.

As refreshment beverages: flavored tea
Black tea, green, or white, could be more flavorful with the addition of cinnamon, orange, or lavender. This type of tea had higher levels of antioxidants and health benefits the same as it does not smell. Tea aroma coupled with super fruits such as blueberries, may contain more antioxidants, according to Lisa Boalt Richardson, tea expert and author of The World in Your teacup. In order for maximum benefit, do not add sugar to your tea cup. Sources: Real Simple

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