Organizing Bathroom Lighting Tips

Linger in the bathroom is not the monopoly of women but also men. Everyone had to linger in the bathroom when it is comfortable with a beautiful interior layout. This can be achieved, among others, with the help of proper lighting.

Lighting can also bring its own luxury in your bathroom. In addition to the main light to illuminate the overall bathroom, follow the tips on lighting in the room in general as follows:

Accent Lighting
This type of lighting is more aesthetic to shed light brings on a certain point at a time can bring warmth indoors bathroom. For example to illuminate the statue ornaments or plants on the side of the bath tub that can add convenience when you're soaking in it.

Color lights. Adjust the color of dominance in the room of your bathroom. In general, the light used for decoration are yellow to golden color.

Light intensity. Note the intensity of light used, especially for task and accent lighting should not be too bright or dark as they may damage the element seninya.Untuk dark luminosity ease of set up, you can use this type of lamp dimmer switch.

Security. Given the placement of the lights in the bathroom which incidentally is the wettest place in the home, electricity regulation should be done well to avoid the possibility of shorting or even electrocuted. use tape or safety equipment such as cables are sold freely.

Task Lighting
As the name implies, task lighting (lighting local) is used to provide lighting in certain places that need more light. Examples are given of lighting near the mirror in the bathroom to help illuminate your face when dressing up, or in the closet toiletries or towels.

One mistake that often occurs when installing the lights in the mirror is to put it just above the mirror. Instead of enlightening, it was a cause shadows on the face that makes it difficult to see the face properly. To that end, attach a lamp on the left and right mirrors with a distance of 36-40 inches that can provide the proper light refraction on the face or just above our heads adjust to the position we stand.

Both lights on the side mirror is also a great way to illuminate the bathroom and give effect to the bathroom look much more widely, but choose the lighting soft.

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